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MTS Encourages NextGen® Users to Upgrade to Version 5.9.2/8.4.2 to Begin Taking Advantage of Some Great New Benefits

New Year…New Features and Enhancements

NextGen® Healthcare has built upon the success of last year’s first combined Application & Knowledge Base Module (KBM) release by adding new features and enhancements to its latest release, version 5.9.2/8.4.2. NextGen® Users who upgrade will discover welcome improvements in basic functionality in both the Electronic Health Record and Project Management modules. MTS analysts have put version 5.9.2/8.4.2 to the test, evaluating each change and new addition. They believe Users who upgrade will experience immediate benefit. Based on their findings, MTS strongly encourages our NextGen® customers to begin making plans to upgrade to the new version.

What follows is an overview of what our analysts discovered in both the EHR and PM modules. First, on the EHR side, MTS discovered these positive enhancements:

New Enterprise Care Guidelines Report

In the prior version of the NextGen® Application & KBM, users were unable to gather a complete and accurate report for every available protocol. The new release now provides a report on any orderable protocol. We’re all for accuracy – so, we’ll score this as an improvement!

Enhanced master documents that show all relevant clinical data from “Manage Order”

Previously, users could include in a plan only the name of the test ordered by the provider. NextGen® has added new fields in each patient encounter for a more complete reference to orders. You’ll now have the ability to add more detail to each plan you create.

Enhanced Medication Fill History and new Real-time Prescription Benefit Checker within the Medication module

In NextGen®’s newest release, providers can check in real time for better cost options for their patients. Fill History used to be pulled from the Claim History. Now, providers can pull directly from SureScripts. This allows for greater accuracy.

Ability to add or update Primary Care Provider with consistency across the chart

This was a problem that’s been fixed. Providers’ names were not displayed consistently across the patient’s entire chart. This enhancement may seem minor on its surface, but it gives everyone who encounters the patient chart a better reference.

Many updates to the “Clinical Message Manager” (previously known as “Rosetta Holding Tank”)

  • Ability to view messages within EHR inbox. Users can now view messages within their EHR inbox whereas before they could not see any messages within the application itself. This needed to be dealt with, and it has been. Messages are “view only;” but, still, this is a vast improvement.
  • Indicate reason for deletion. Previously when users deleted information, the application did not ask for a reason, offering no safeguard against accidental deletion. Now users can turn on a preference to require the app to ask for a reason for a deletion. This is a good check and an enhancement that’s sure to provide some peace of mind.
  • Ability to search and view Transaction History. NextGen® has relocated a search function that was previously found in the Rosetta Holding Tank to a more intuitive spot within the EHR. Searches can also be applied to any editing that may have been done previously.
  • Route HIT Documents based on patient status. Once information is entered into a patient’s chart, it becomes the responsibility of the Provider. With the enhancement, information is now held in the Clinical Message Manager. This allows users to search according to patient status without having to go into the patient system.

NextGen®’s release also includes the following PM module enhancements:

Inclusion of practice-specific benefit information

Rather than continuing to share patient insurance benefit information globally across its entire Practice Management module, NextGen® has limited user access to this data only to the associated practice. If you’re a billing service with multiple practices, in particular, you’ll consider this data security enhancement a big deal.

Real-time USPS address verification

In previous versions of the PM, the process of verifying and correcting addresses was cumbersome and it contributed to increased postage expenses for practices. In its new release, NextGen® has introduced a pop-up window that allows users to verify addresses or even override addresses suggested by the USPS. The enhancement should decrease the volume of returned mail, saving the practice both time and money.

Restricting access to protected content

This enhancement is related to new gender reporting options that were introduced within the last year or so. NextGen® provides additional capabilities to restrict the sharing of patient information, making it easier to add administrative controls and help keep patients’ private information private.

RTS Eligibility co-pay and deductible enhancements

NextGen has enabled co-pay and deductible information reported from the payer to be updated in the patients insurance maintenance screen. For example, if a patient owes a $15 co-pay, the PM will now place a note in an appropriate PM module field that can be shared with the patient. Although this requires a little setup on the practice side, it is a welcome change.

Updated eligibility reporting

NextGen® has added a new benefit eligibility inquiry report, which will help practices more easily flag and report out responses from payors.


In comparison to NextGen®’s previous release, 5.9.2/8.4.2 has a smaller set of enhancements. Nonetheless, it provides more functionality and some welcome new features. If you’re using NextGen®, MTS recommends you upgrade now to begin taking advantage of all the great new features and enhancements. Need assistance? Please reach out to your account manager or contact MTS Support at support@medtechsolutions.com.

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